Unity Camp 6: Killinochchi - The Experience of a Lifetime

Shortly after graduating from college in a great move by the universe I was invited to be a part of Ekamuthu Orray Makkal Unity Mission Trust (for those confused by the first three words; Ekamuthu’ is Sinhalese for ‘Unity’ and ‘Oray Makkal’ is Tamil for ‘One People’)

The Unity Mission Trust has been in existence since May 2009 and is a non-profit Trust that is dedicated to fostering unity, integration, healing and reconciliation between the teenagers and young adults in the Wanni area and their peers from all over Sri Lanka.

This October from the 17th to the 20th I joined the crew that piled into 3 buses, 2 vans – as head of the Media and Publicity Team. 500 student leaders aged 15-20, and 40 teachers from 70 schools all the way from Jaffna to Matara gathered at Killinochchi Central College (KCC) for Unity Camp 6. The Camp works on the basis of separating the students from their friends and placing them in groups with others, some of whom don't even speak the same language. Together they compete in drama, dance, music, art, sports, and speech, overcoming whatever racial barriers that might have separated them before. I am not going to launch into the details of the program etc – you can find out everything you need to know about what the kids did here. What I am going to do is try to articulate the feelings that stir the depths of your soul when you realize that 4 days can change lives, bring people together, that there is hope.

Being a part of the team that undertakes projects of such a scale is another experience in itself. Logistics for nearly 600 people to sleep, eat, and carry out the camp itself in Killinochchi took up much of the teams free time for months. This is an entirely volunteer run organization – not one of us who stayed up, sometimes past midnight organizing, packing, planning, doing files, raising funds - are paid. It’s done for a greater reason upon which no value can be placed.

Then comes the day when at 5am we pile into buses and drive to Killinochchi with stops along the way to pick up people, stretch our legs and finally you arrive. No resting – 500 students need to be registered and the hall prepared for the opening ceremony, buses and lorries need to be unloaded, and students need to be prevented from switching groups. The opening ceremony runs with a showcase of talents and then comes the tough part – the students are placed in their groups and the organizing committee does some switching around to ensure they are mixed up as throughly as possible. There are tears and resisting, but we are firm. After the rules are reviewed and the students briefed, dinner is served. The committee has no time to rest - after ensuring dinner is handled, the girls round up the female students and chaperone them to Killinochchi Maha Vidayalaya where their sleeping quarters are. In the meantime the boys check to ensure the dorms and sleeping arrangements at KCC are sorted, and once the students are settled the team sits down for a meeting. Those not staying at either of the schools with the students head off to the army camps, which have been generously offered by the Sri Lankan Army to us. This is usually close upon midnight.

The next day begins at 8.30am after breakfast when everyone gathers back at KCC with a Music Session to get everyone in the mood, headed by our Musical Director Rukshan Perera. Over the next few days team members run non-stop working tirelessly to ensure the smooth running of the numerous activities, challenges and mountains of work that comes with such a project. But through it all the most amazing experience is watching the students slowly form bonds with one another. They turn from the nervous, uncomfortable faced girls and boys that sit - near-silent, awkwardly smiling with one another, to hugging and crying on the fourth day when they are leaving. One has to see this with their own eyes to realize that four days can break barriers, that the youth has a lack of inhibition when it comes to embracing new opportunities and really are the hope of our nation.

The talent that comes from them blows you away. They sing, dance, act, create, speak, excel athletically, - all with just a few hours at most to prepare. Trophies are awarded to the most outstanding group leaders, campers, and based on a points system - a winning group emerges.

But nothing touches your heart like the very end of camp. Students who speak about their experiences at the open forum begin to cry, overcome by emotion. They hug their new found friends and have to be nearly forced to board the buses. You realize that human connections are beyond language, race, religion, soci-economic backgrounds, gender, and any of these limitations we place upon ourselves. You watch the candle ceremony and can’t hold back your tears when you see a sea of light shining back. This light is carried by remarkable young men and women who sing our national anthem with pride and then chant in one voice “Sri Lanka” repeatedly.

You realize that the future of our country has hope, the dream of one people is tangibly close to a reality. You realize that you are a part of a much bigger picture – but what you can do in your small capacity can make real change.

Sometimes we need to step out of our little bubbles and start releasing the potential we harbor. We can do so much more than just talk, and more than can – we need to. The change we leave behind is the real legacy we leave. Not how popular you were, how much money you made, how big your CV and accomplishments were – but by how many lives you touched and transformed.


Unknown said…
What a great opportunity missed. events like this should be held more often. It is hard to organize but is beneficial in the long run.

hopefully there will be something on next time I visit SL. Keep me posted Shara :)
Louiqa said…
Sounds awesome. Do you have video or audio for the closing ceremony and song?
K_doodles said…
One person that I know who is selfless & works for others would be you Shara :) I always enjoy reading your blogs because you write for us & we feel it. A job well done & I would be glad to be a part of this next time.
Thank you so much everyone! Those who want to gen involved with us - please do contact me!

We will soon have a video of Camp I will share it on my Facebook page :)

Unknown said…
Hey Thank you for sharing, and I am prod of you.:)
Unknown said…
This is heartwarming and special. Yes, you guys are the future of our country and we are so proud of you. This is what should have been done many generations ago by those of our generation and before that, but never got done because of selfishness. You are the shining stars of our conscience. May God bless you and keep you and help you achieve great things for humanity along the way.

Much love -Uncle Siva
Selva Niranjan said…
Sharanya: Looks like there is a great future for Sri Lanka with thinkers like you across the country. Very proud of you and your way of thinking. Yes ultimately it is those whose lives you touched and made a difference is ones biggest legacy.

Niranjan Uncle
Bugee said…
Firstly am so sorry am reading this only now.. :) but this is beautifully written.. you have managed to capture most of camp so nicely.. :) but one must admit that the feelings you get.. through those four days.. they are too difficult to put into words.. Camp Transforms you.. it makes you into a believer! :) SO glad you joined us this time!