I love shoes, and I adore heels. I DO. But sadly I tower at 5"6 and this means that I am - well by any standards - tall.
This can be highly exhausting, especially when I live in Sri Lanka where any average male is around my height. So this means, I wear heels - I am taller that my date, and we all know Asian men prefer to look down on their ladies,than up at them.
Obviously, being who I am, I wear heels anyway regardless of the reasons I shouldn't, but not often. And I limit myself to a couple of inches. I own one 4inch pair...and think several times every time I wear them. So below I give you images of some dream shoes that I will probably never see or wear. Idle dreaming.

These are SO not my style and just the size of the heel makes me sigh wistfully. But I will file this away as something on my 'maybe' list - things I imagine I could do. Thank you Tumblr for the images!

Now this is far more my style...and I am touching the screen of my laptop rather inappropriately as I look at them. Again it's the size of the heel, but bugger that - if I could buy 'em I would totally wear 'em

AHHH again I love and adore. Pink is one of my favourite colours (Hello, name of the blog anyone?) and these would go GREAT with this dress I have. Want want want!
Afternote: So Blogger is lame and won't let me upload more pictures -,- So I guess it's three at a time! Await more ShoeDrool posts :D
This can be highly exhausting, especially when I live in Sri Lanka where any average male is around my height. So this means, I wear heels - I am taller that my date, and we all know Asian men prefer to look down on their ladies,than up at them.
Obviously, being who I am, I wear heels anyway regardless of the reasons I shouldn't, but not often. And I limit myself to a couple of inches. I own one 4inch pair...and think several times every time I wear them. So below I give you images of some dream shoes that I will probably never see or wear. Idle dreaming.

These are SO not my style and just the size of the heel makes me sigh wistfully. But I will file this away as something on my 'maybe' list - things I imagine I could do. Thank you Tumblr for the images!

Now this is far more my style...and I am touching the screen of my laptop rather inappropriately as I look at them. Again it's the size of the heel, but bugger that - if I could buy 'em I would totally wear 'em

AHHH again I love and adore. Pink is one of my favourite colours (Hello, name of the blog anyone?) and these would go GREAT with this dress I have. Want want want!
Afternote: So Blogger is lame and won't let me upload more pictures -,- So I guess it's three at a time! Await more ShoeDrool posts :D