Work- a mundane reality?

So I have never actually blogged about work before so I thought I would give it a shot. This was totally not meant to be insolent or rude or cheeky, it's just my perspective of the surroundings of the place I'm doing my summer internship in.
So I'm working in print media and for a highly reputed newspaper at that. Owned by company, who also owns and operates several other newspapers magazines and such, so the building in which I work is massive. My day always begins with the security guard whom I am not all that fond of! See the entrance-lobby-like place is where everyone has to pass through before entering the building itself. The actual employees of the company show their office identity card but as I am a student intern I don't get one. So anyway my boss (I'm not sure if she can be called that but anyway) issued me with a letter so that they would let me in. Well it has been three weeks and every evening the security guard will wish me "good evening" in a cheery voice and with a bright smile as I leave for home. But in the morning he has transformed from Dr. Jeykle to Mr. Hyde and challenges my entering the building EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! So I have to pull out my letter and wait for him to read it (this takes him only about and hour!!) and then finally he waves me in.
To get into the main building itself you have to walk up this road-like thing, where you can see the transport office and the press vans parked as well as the printing machines. Then the elevator that is NEVER empty and then challenge two of the day. You see the entire floor is partitioned with pexi-glass doors and half-glass walls and the different department names on various doors. For a whole week straight I got lost trying to get to the office where I work and fortunately for me someone from there would kindly escort me back to where I should be.
So "The Office" (my nickname for the area), is a place where there is never a dull moment. There are little partion areas for the four heads and the others sit at the various desks that are scattered all over the office. I quickly learnt two lessons within two days. One is that the phone never stops ringing, like ever. Most of the calls that come to the general phones are for the editor of one of the extension magazines of the paper. (Who will henceforth be referred to as 'Mirror') while the "Heads" get their calls on to the lines that are in their rooms. Lesson two is that the computers practically have minds of their own and their one thought is how to antagonize its current user best. In order to achieve this goal they employ various methods including shutting down randomly causing one to loose everything they have been working on so far. The Internet is incredibly slow…. and also enjoys stopping randomly. You can really learn the art of patience with these things…. Did I mention they also enjoying getting stuck every 5 seconds and then suddenly come back to life? But one grows rather used them to I'm told…. I am definitely not there yet.
Ok this is Part one in the series I will write on this blog. This place is really very interesting and I agree with what one of the writers I work with told me. Everyone in here is a little mad. But in a good way. There are no office bitches and everyone is totally nice (well they were to me any way). They are still uniquely nuts but nice-nuts :)
btw if you can I really suggest everyone should really try this working-in-an-office thing as a teen. Its hardly mundane and totally reality


reeve said…
there HAS to be some office bitchery! try to dig up some dirt for Part II..
ifyoulike said…
I used to work at a newspaper as well. Loved it.
Glad you're having fun...I'm assuming you're at the Mirror?
Sunday Times features department :)
Anonymous said…
hey u havent said anythin about the cut up graphics guy no?? why is tht?? tht is also reality or r u jus dreamin tht up so to b able to get out of reality?? heheh
i was saving that for part two :) now dnt go and post all this in very public places child!! escaping from reality is not and option for me sadly....never works!! hehe xoxo