There are some people who walk into you life and really make a difference.
This is a short tribute to a wonderful teacher who is *gasp* leaving us for Doha. (Seriously what do they have that we don’t??)
Miss Nadira, this one is for you.
You were (no joke and utmost sincerity here) THE BESTEST TEACHER EVER!!! No-one can argue or ever say otherwise. You were SO much more than a teacher…you were a friend. You never gave up on any of us and always knew exactly what we were capable of.
We all actually looked forward to psych class because you made it so un-boring :). And I will miss you sooooo much!! But don’t worry you’ll have heaps of us in Doha soon helping you paint that town red!!!
We wish you every single bit of happiness and sparkle the world has to offer. You deserve it more than we can say.
Love u!!!
will miss you!!!