For Dad

(I think the poem says it all)

Thank you for the love of cricket
For yelling at the screen and watching TV far too loud
Thank you for your hypochondria that we now all have
For making us cringe in public
And never really growing up

Thank you for the confidence
The stubbornness
The single minded determination
That came from your blood

Thank you for dreaming bigger for us
For always believing we can
For understanding
And never giving up

Thank you for the fights
And driving us crazy
And refusing to believe we have grown up
And the love

Most of all
Thank you for making me who I am
Never letting me be anything but better
And for holding my hand through it all

Thank you for being my dad


thank you dad, for giving us shara :)

your blog inspires me. <3
Argent said…
Man... Very touching, Good job homie :D loving it
Anonymous said…
Sounds disjointed to me, and incomplete. But nice thought.
Warren - <3 thank you so much!
Argent - Glad you enjoyed :D
LyricalMagic - Hmm interesting thought. Thanks for the feedback!